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Platform for a Thriving Norwalk

As someone who has called Norwalk home my entire life, I care deeply about the future of our city. Serving as a Social Services Commissioner has given me a firsthand understanding of the challenges and opportunities our community faces. I’m running for City Council because I believe Norwalk deserves leadership that is not only bold but also compassionate. My goal is to work closely with residents to address the issues that matter most to us all, ensuring that our city continues to be a place where everyone feels valued and heard.
My Vision for Norwalk
Addressing Homelessness and the Housing Crisis

Norwalk is facing significant challenges with homelessness and affordable housing. Despite setbacks, our city's recent efforts to reduce homelessness show that with the right leadership, we can make a meaningful difference. I'm committed to championing innovative, locally-driven solutions that uplift our homeless neighbors and bring stability to our community. This means creating more effective communication channels to ensure that resources and services are truly accessible, especially for our most vulnerable residents. By connecting those experiencing homelessness with comprehensive wrap-around services, we can help them move from the streets to a stable and secure future.

Economic Development and Business Support
  • Incentives for New Businesses: I want to make Norwalk a welcoming place for entrepreneurs by offering financial and logistical support to help them get started. We’ll make the process of launching a business in our city as smooth and straightforward as possible.

  • Guidance on City Contracting: I believe in keeping our city’s economic growth close to home. That’s why I’ll ensure local businesses have clear, accessible guidance on how to secure contracts with the City of Norwalk, so our city supports its own.

  • Revitalizing Vacant Properties: Key locations like the shopping center near the corner of Pioneer Blvd and Alondra Blvd can become vibrant mixed-use developments that bring new life to our community. I’m committed to transforming these spaces into places where businesses and residents can thrive together.

  • Supporting Existing Businesses: Our local businesses are the backbone of Norwalk’s economy. I’ll work to ensure they have the resources and support they need to grow, create jobs, and continue contributing to our community’s success.

Why Choose Norwalk for Your Business?

Norwalk is brimming with potential. Our central location, diverse community, and deep sense of pride make it the perfect place to start or grow a business. I’m dedicated to making Norwalk a truly business-friendly city where opportunities are not just possible, but plentiful. By focusing on improving our infrastructure, ensuring safety, and providing strong support for businesses, we can attract more companies to our city and keep our local economy vibrant and thriving.

Public Safety and Infrastructure

Public safety is a top priority. Our neighborhoods must be safe, and our streets well-maintained. I will ensure that our law enforcement has the resources they need to protect our community while also fostering strong relationships between the police and our residents. Additionally, I will advocate for investments in our infrastructure, including roads, parks, and public spaces, so they reflect the pride we all have in Norwalk.

Strengthening Communication and Collaboration

To address the challenges of homelessness and economic development, we must improve our operational efficiency by enhancing communication channels between the city, service providers, and the public. This means ensuring that vital information about available resources and services is easily accessible so that no one in need is left in the dark. I will work to foster stronger partnerships with county and state agencies, as well as local nonprofits, to ensure that Norwalk residents receive the comprehensive support they need.

A Vision for Norwalk’s Future

Together, we can build a Norwalk that works for everyone—a city where opportunity thrives, and every resident feels secure, supported, and heard. With your support, I will bring fresh ideas and a strong commitment to action, ensuring that Norwalk is a place we can all be proud to call home. Let’s join forces to create the future Norwalk deserves.

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